Huanui College Notices


Whanau Athletics Entries

These are now up on the wall in the gym foyer. Please check your events. If you have any questions, see Mr Newport.

Whanau Athletics High Jump Qualifiers

These will be held in the school gym during lunchtimes to determine the Top 8 High Jumpers in each age group who will then complete at Athletics Day. These qualifiers will be held on the following days:

Wednesday 12th February - Under 12 Boys and Girls

Friday 14th February - Under 14 Boys and Girls

Wednesday 19th February - Under 16 Boys

Tuesday 18th February - Under 19 Boys and Girls

If you have any questions, please see Mr Newport

Gym Weights Room Use

The Weights Room upstairs in the gym is available for students to use during lunchtimes. However, you need to be inducted and taken through a safety briefing before you can use it. If this is something you are interested in come along for an induction Tuesday 18th February at lunchtime. Any questions see Mr Newport in the gym.

Bush Base Tuesdays

Starting in Week 3 (Tuesday 11th February) we would like to offer the bush base as a lunchtime play space every Tuesday at lunchtime. If you would like to participate you will need to bring your PE uniform or a change of clothes and meet the teacher in charge outside the library at the start of lunchtime. If you have any questions, please see Mr Newport in the gym.

The 2024 Huanui College School Magazine is now available at the Huanui College Website or follow this link!
Meeting: Wednesday lunchtime H2 - If you are interested in writing for our school publication The Huanuian please meet Ms Lark in H2 WEDNESDAY 19th Feb Week 4 - this awesome role includes interviewing interesting people and writing and editing their story. If you are interested in publishing, editing, writing, media, communications, news etc. this could be a great opportunity for you to establish a profile as a writer. Writers from all year levels welcome. MsL:)
"If you play an instrument and are interested in starting a chamber group - please email Miss Pridham at by the end of week 4"
"If you are interested in joining a student led guitar and/or ukulele group  please email Miss Pridham at by the end of week 4"

Registration form for those students in Years 7/8 and 9-13 who are interested in playing for Huanui College in 2025


AIMS Games Hockey Trial - Tuesday 11th March 4-5pm @ Hockey Northland

Collegiate Hockey Trial - Tuesday 11th March 5-6pm @ Hockey Northland

2025 Huanui College Netball 

College Trials

17 Feb - 3.30-3.55 warm up

Starts 4-6.30pm

19 Feb - 5.30-5.55 warm up

Starts 6-7.30pm

Umpire Workshop

25 February - 3.30-5.30pm

Intermediate Trials

7 March - 3.30-5.30pm

10 March - 3.30-5.30pm

Umpire Workshop

13 March - 3.30-5.30pm

Kerikeri Preseason tournament

Teams to be confirmed

Sunday 23 March

Beginning of lunchtime could these people meet outside Kate's office to get fitted for their netball dress

Katie Mander

Emily Morgan

Elizabeth Mauer-MacLaine

Antalya Ear

Rainy Pomale

Isabella Postlewaight

Aston Plunkett

Amelia Bowker

Naira Snowsill